BRC run a range of dressage competitions for both junior and senior riders, namely:
Senior Intro Winter Dressage, for senior individuals competing at walk and trot.
Senior Novice Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). Two team riders will ride different Prelim tests and the other two will ride different Novice tests.
Senior Intermediate Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). One rider will ride a Prelim test, two riders will ride a Novice and one rider will ride an Elementary test.
Pick a Test Dressage, for individuals, open to seniors and juniors competing at either Medium or Advanced Medium. Competitors may compete in both Medium and Advanced Medium sections.
Senior Open Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). All riders will ride a different test; there are 3 different Novice tests and 1 Elementary test.
Senior Prelim Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count and individuals. All team riders will ride different Prelim tests, with one test having less restrictive eligibility, see CR App 1 – 3 for details.
Senior Intro Dressage, for senior individuals competing at walk and trot.
Senior Pairs Dressage, for a pair of riders to ride a test together.
Junior Intro Winter Dressage, for junior individuals competing at walk and trot
Junior Novice Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count and individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). Two team riders will ride different Prelim tests and the other two will ride different Novice tests.
Junior Intermediate Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). One rider will ride a Prelim test, two riders will ride a Novice and one rider will ride an elementary test.
Pick a Test Dressage, this is a mixed class, please see the senior section.
Junior Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). Three riders will ride a Prelim test and one a Novice test.
Junior Elementary Dressage, for junior individuals only.
Junior Intro Dressage, for junior individuals competing at walk and trot.
Junior Pairs Dressage, for a pair of riders to ride a test together